“Close Ties” Baby Carrier

For Infantino

Project Goals: One of Infantino’s best selling carriers is their Sash Mei Tai. The Mei Tai is a centuries-old way of baby wearing, loved for its simplicity of form and comfort. However, we were seeing in our research that moms were modifying the carrier to be better for newborns. The Close Ties carrier attempts to solve for those issues that made a traditional Mei Tai less than ideal for small babies.

Result: Close Ties has a patented adjustable seat that allows for parents to set the width of the carrier at an optimal width for baby’s size. In addition, the height of the body of the carrier is adjustable. The shoulder straps wrap and tie like a traditional Mei Tai, but keep the straps off of baby’s back. The waist belt buckles for convenience.

Role: Project lead, designer for Infantino. Research, testing, and mockups including the concept for the adjustable design.