“Cap the Tap” Spout Cover

For Infantino

Project Goals: In our research of existing products, we found that many bath spout covers are difficult to put onto the faucet.  They are made out of hard materials, which means it will still hurt if baby bumps his or her head!  They also did not fit well on the faucet, which means they are easy for little hands to remove. We wanted to come up with something better!

Result: The Cap the Tap spout cover is made from Neoprene, and is super soft and cushy. Neoprene dries quickly and is machine washable, eliminating concerns about mold growth. The soft nature of this spout cover also allows for it to be adjusted to your specific spout cover for a secure fit.

Role: Product designer and project lead for Infantino. Original concept, mockups, product design & testing.